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How To Prevent High Altitude Sickness

 Okay, let’s see, you love to go to the mountains, take part in trekking, enjoy the scenic view from the hilltop and see the beauty of the mountainous landscape covered by clouds. However, even after loving all these things, you are scared to go to these places since you suffer from high altitude sickness issues. Well, technically, you are not alone; there are many people out there who experience the same issue.

People with such issues have problems even when flying in a flight, traveling by car on mountain terrains, and even when going to top floors of skyscrapers. High altitude problems can be quite problematic, especially if you have to travel by flight, go at high altitude places or travel on hilly roads. You can experience issues like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain, which can last for hours together.

It can spoil the fun of traveling and even deteriorate your health condition. Hence, it is important to take a few measures which can either control or prevent the altitude sickness from affecting you. Here are some suggestions that you can follow before or while going on a high altitude trip.

Hydrate yourself

Before you start for a high altitude journey, it is important that you drink a sufficient amount of water, probably 2-3 liters of it. When on high altitude journey, dehydration can make it difficult for you to acclimatize with the weather condition above. Hence, it is important that you drink and also take an ample amount of water with you when traveling at high altitudes.

Take over the counter pills

There are some medications available which you can take before taking a flight or boarding a vehicle that will go on mountainous roads. These drugs will help in preventing symptoms like headaches, nausea, and fatigue that can trouble you when on a flight or a drive on mountain roads.

Take coffee

If you have a habit of drinking coffee, then you can have a cup of it before you make the climb. The caffeine withdrawal can mimic the effects of altitude sickness and are relieved by the caffeine. It will be a good idea to bring along some caffeine-containing Excedrin that can give you quick relief.

Avoid alcohol

Never consume alcohol before or while on a trip towards high altitude regions. It can make your altitude sickness symptoms even worse. Apart from it, you should also avoid smoking and having sleeping pills before you venture out for such journeys as they will, too, have a negative impact on your body. If you do drink alcohol, then stop its consumption at least 48 hours before you go on your trip.

Sleep sufficiently

You must have plenty of sleep before you start your journey uphill. Lack of sleep will make your body and mind tired, which will worsen the condition of high altitude sickness. By sleep adequately, you will be able to start your journey with a fresh mind, which will help in coping with high altitude sickness.

Modafinil, also known as Provigil, is a medication used to treat sleepiness caused by narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, or obstructive sleep apnea. It decreases excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, obstructive sleep apnea.


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