The issue of high blood sugar is a global issue that is experienced by many people around the world. High blood sugar or hyperglycemia occurs when there is a buildup of excessive glucose in the bloodstream.
It usually happens with people having diabetes, or it is the first alarming sign of diabetes that needs to be taken care of.
The blood sugar level is generally measured by blood tests on a machine of a glucometer or by fasting and PP blood test analysis. Usually, high blood sugar or glucose level indicates type-1 and type-2 diabetes.
The rising level of blood sugar count isn’t good news anytime, and it can be signs of other health issues, too, along with diabetes that can trouble you in the future.
Hence, if you are experiencing high blood sugar count lately but not able to identify it, then these are the signs that can tell you.
Feeling tired after a day of exhausting work is normal, but constant tiredness can be a sign of rising blood sugar. However, not every sugar spike is a sign of diabetes since blood sugar fluctuation can also happen when a person consumes a large amount of carbs, such as a sugary diet.
However, if your fatigue is perennial and it is not going away, then it can be a sign of high blood sugar that you need to check.
Frequent urination
If your bathroom visits are getting frequent and you feel like relieving yourself recurrently, then also it can be a sign of high blood sugar.
When your sugar level is high, the kidneys work overtime to get rid of the excess sugar from the body. In the process, your bladder fills up frequently, due to which you have to run to the bathroom for peeing.
Feeling thirsty every time
When you pee so much due to overtime of kidneys, your body will get dehydrated. Hence, the body needs to refill its liquid stocks in order to overcome the dehydration issue.
That is why when the sugar level rises in our body, and we tend to drink more water as we get thirsty increasingly. That is why we gulp down more water when the sugar level in our body rises.
You can also suffer from headaches due to dehydration. Headaches can also occur due to different reasons, and that is why the suspicion does not point towards blood sugar increase.
However, if you are having headaches frequently and also experiencing the above symptoms along with it, then it can be a sign of blood sugar rise.
Blurred vision
A spike in the blood sugar level can also have a negative impact on the vision of the eyes. It can cause blurred vision since the extra sugar in the body can, at times, get trapped in the middle of the eye. It causes the vision to blur.
Caffeine sensitivity
If you have been enjoying coffee but are now getting sensitive to it, then it can be a sign of blood sugar level. A spike in the blood sugar level can increase your sensitivity to coffee, and you tend to become intolerant to it.
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