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Why Negative News Can Be Bad For Your Mental Health

 Open up the newspaper or news channels today on the TV now a day, what you get, BAD NEWS! Today, it has become a trend of printing and broadcasting negative or bad news on the media networks, right from TV, tabloids, and social media.

Pandemic, deaths, suicides, murders, riots, war, and whatever worse thing you can imagine or think is being shown or displayed on the media and news channels.

These negative news broadcasts can have a detrimental effect on our mental health and can even cause interference in our lives. It can also be bad for our physical health and work productivity.

Hence, you need to know how much news is enough for you and where you should stop. Here are some of the potentially harmful effects of negative news that you can experience.

It increases your personal worries

When you are constantly exposed to negative news, irrespective of the platform, it can raise your anxiety and distress. Negative news and stories can intimidate us and make us feel worried all the time.

 News like conflicts, unrest, natural disasters, the spread of disease, and other upsetting events flashed on TV channels, and social media can have a daunting effect on our minds.

Besides, psychologists suggest that consuming excessive negative news from these platforms can increase our personal worries, even if it is not related to the subject of the news telecast.

It alters your behavior

When there is too much of negativity shown on social media and news television channels, it is bound to change your behavior too. Your perspective towards certain things changes a lot, and you are filled with negativity towards it, even if it is irrelevant.

 There is always tension and frustration in you due to the stories presented on the media platforms. It makes you feel irked, irritated, and suspicious towards everything after watching the excessive news broadcast.

It makes you feel unsafe

Negative news can make you feel unsafe also. It mainly happens when the television channels telecast and show all bad news related to the spread of disease, terrorist attacks, communal violence, climate change, and political unrest in a state. They report things in a sensational way, which makes us feel scared and unsafe. These reports are like repeated spades the pierces our brain and induce negative thoughts and feelings in it. Hence, it is obvious that we will feel unsafe and insecure after viewing so much of negative news and think we exist in a potentially dangerous world.

It destroys your productivity

Spending too much time on social media and news channels can also have a negative effect on your productivity. Since your mind is consumed by the all bad news feed, you will be unable to focus or concentrate on your work.

The anxiety and inquisitiveness that is raised by the media platforms will make you check out the news repeatedly for any new update or occurrence.

 Hence, it will become an interference for your work, and your efficiency level will drop due to the negative news effect.

Click here to overcome anxiety and depression.


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