The proper diagnosis of the disorder must happen for the treatment of any disease, and for diagnosis, the knowledge of its symptoms is necessary. Every health issue has some signs and symptoms for its identification and recognizing them is vital if you want to treat them properly.
Based on the symptoms, the doctor or the health expert can recommend the remedial measures. The story is the same with the health issue of diabetes. It is one of the deadliest diseases that has affected millions across the world and has also caused the highest number of fatalities. To treat diabetes, understanding its symptoms is important.
At times the symptoms of the disease are not diagnosed or identified properly, and by the time they are recognized, it’s already too late. Thus knowing the symptoms of the disease is quite vital. Here are some early signs of diabetes that will help you to diagnose the ailment properly and to treat it right.
Frequent urination
Men and women who are affected by diabetes tend to urinate frequently, which is one of the key symptoms of diabetes. It happens as the blood sugar level becomes high, and kidneys work overtime to filter out the excess sugar from the blood. Due to this, the urge of urination increases in the person, and they go to the bathroom frequently, particularly at night.
Increase in thirst
Because of frequent urination, the excess sugar from the body is being removed, but it can also result in losing additional water. The recurrent urination can also lead to the problem of dehydration, which in turn makes the person more thirsty than usual. Hence, if you have an urge to drink water frequently, then it can be a sign of diabetes.
Feeling exhausted
Diabetes, whether it is type-1 or type-2, can take a toll on the energy level of the person and make him or her feel tired throughout the day. The tiredness occurs since insufficient sugar moves from the bloodstream to the body’s cells and cannot create the required energy. That is why there is a constant feeling of tiredness.
Always hungry
Diabetic people do always get energy from the food that they eat. The digestion system of the body breaks down the food into a simple sugar called glucose, which the body needs as a fuel for energy. In diabetic people, insufficient glucose moves from the bloodstream to the cells. That is why diabetic people, especially of type-2, stay hungry all the time despite eating in sufficient quantity.
Blurry vision
Diabetes can take a toll on your eyes too as the excess sugar level in blood can damage the tiny blood vessels in the eyes, which causes blurry vision. The blurry vision can happen in one eye or both and may come and go. In case diabetes goes untreated, the damage can be permanent, which can lead to loss of vision.
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