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How to stop overthinking and get rid of anxiety

Overthinking is common but crippling too. This may stop a person to enjoy social functions, hampers the sleep and diminishes the performance in work area. The natural uneasiness of anxiety tends to create constant overthinking which eventually proves that not only leaving a person mentally disturbed but shattered too. This a common picture of many people's lives and they want to give their life a fresh start leaving this behind but found it an immense struggle to do so. Finding the right way to stop overthinking without panicking and living life to the fullest is possible by discussing the problem and getting the most effective solutions to that.
·         A person is unable to sleep and is not able to get rid of the tensions and problems and thus feels disturbed.
·         In some cases, it is seen that a person might get into taking drugs, alcohol, food or other ways of emotion regulator. The hidden reason is they are not able to control themselves by means of internal capacity.
·         Continuous tiredness is a result of sleeplessness or the outcome of distressing thoughts.
·         Want to plan and control everything as that only makes the person feel secured but that doesn't work as it's impossible to control everything.
·         A person gets inclined to be a perfectionist and thinks of the pity of failing in any way. This fear restricts them to learn from their mistakes and makes them incapable.
·         A person going through anxiety us unable to rejoice their future and instead they always think what may go wrong.
·         These people cannot trust themselves and so they always give a second thought to everything they do or wear or going somewhere or meeting people. Adding to this the person might depend on others to get assured about their own judgment.
·         Chronic tension headaches are a sign of overthinking leading to anxiety.
There are ways of overcoming anxiety and stop the continuous flow of thoughts. These are :
·         A person should be aware of the thought process and anxiety kicks
Overthinking can be hurled away with the help of alertness. Observe the way of thinking and if a person notes of reliving thoughts in the mind again and again or getting nervous about things out of control, then it should be understood that the thinking is baseless.
·         Questioning the thoughts
Negative thoughts can influence a person to extremity. Before concluding about a situation aroused one need to recognize and rectify the errors in their thoughts.
·         Solving problems actively
Looking for a solution to a problem is far more helpful than to reside with it. One should learn from their mistakes and avoid a problem in the future. So one should ask what could be done about a situation rather than asking why it happened.
·         Reflection time scheduling
Suffering from problems for long is not good but short reflections can be helpful. 20 minutes of thought into the daily schedule can help. During this period the person can retaliate,  worry, overthink whatever one wants but it should be made sure that after time no such thinking should come rather than a more productive one. If The thought takes more time then remind oneself to think about it later on.
·         Practicing awareness
Reshuffle yesterday or anticipating tomorrow is not possible while living in the present. One should get more aware of the here and now. Awareness is a practice like any other skill but that helps to eradicate overthinking.
·         Change the thought way
Stopping to think about something can backfire as the more you try to avoid the more it is probably to pop up. One can busy themself to an activity to change the topic like exercising, conversational engagement on a different issue or working on a project. This helps in distracting the mind from the attack of negative thoughts.

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