The time of COVID-19 pandemic is tough, and it's affecting us all in some way or the other. Though many of us are trying to keep our spirits high and trying to pass this time patiently, but not everyone is feeling the same. The ongoing lockdown and home quarantine have made the life of many people difficult, which is putting immense stress on their minds. Naturally, all these issues are going to lead to depression, and this is what exactly happening around the world. Thousands of people around the people are getting depressed or suffering from anxiety due to the current situation. It is becoming an ugly scene, and many people are resorting to doing untoward things due to mental issues. Hence, addressing these problems is necessary. Helping someone with depression in these hours of crisis is the noblest thing you can do. It will not only ease his or her mental pressure, and it shall benefit you as well. To know how you can help a person mentally in amid of this lockd...